Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Love Personalities......categories in love " "


Sabir Nazar said...

The top cartoon of 'emotional category' seems more mature. You seem to be drawing in Flash software, that gives it a stylistic unity...but leaves lot of details that can add to the expressions etc. The curtains and chair with simple lines are good and white background of two characters accentuate the characters.Style is good but sacrificing details for style is not a good idea. Simplicity in lines come naturally when you have grasp of drawing and characterisation. You seem to have opted for simplicity first..!

Mehnaz Jafri Creative Cartoonist said...

Thank you so much! Uh know I don't draw in flash, I draw with pencil, scan it and then finish it in Photoshop. Yes I guess I have left the details, will now keep that thing in mind! thank you for throwing some light on my work. I surely will keep your points in mind!

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